

The first initiative to set up a fund in 1943 was when Mr M H M Lockhat wrote to the board of SSMS to inform them that his uncle Hajee Ahmad Mohammad Lockhat, Durbanwala, had passed away and enclosed a cheque of Rs 750/- to be distributed to the needy members of the Jamaat. The board decided to set up the Goraba Relief Fund and was providing a financial assistance of Rs 5/- per month to twenty deserving families. 

The Goraba Relief Fund has provided financial assistance to many families since then. This is the very basic foundation of the good fellowship and brotherhood that we want to promote. We currently have some 138 recipients and the budget is around Rs 3 million every year.

Application for the Goraba Relief are thoroughly checked by a subcommittee and then submitted to the board for approval. Once approved, a monthly allowance is allocated to the designated person.

The Zakaat Fund which was set up in the past, has been reactivated during Ramadan 1439. The Distribution of Zakaat to the Muslim Community at large, is being meticulously monitored by an independent subcommittee and under the supervision of Ulemas.